- Multiple mechanisms underlying the orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurones.
Vidyasagar TR, Pei X, Volgushev M.
Trends in Neurosciences 1996, 19:272-277
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Funke K, Kisvarday ZF, Volgushev M, Woergoetter F
In: J.L. van Hemmen, J.D. Cowan, E. Domany (eds.). Models of Neural Networks IV. Early Vision and Attention, pp 97-182. Springer-Verlag, New York. (2002).
- Multiple mechanisms underlying the orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurones.
Comments / Perspectives:
- Local action for global vision.
Volgushev M.
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- Local action for global vision.
Some favorites:
- Gamma-frequency fluctuations of the membrane potential and response selectivity in visual cortical neurons.
Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2003 17: 1768-1776
Link - A novel mechanism of response selectivity of neurons in cat visual cortex.
Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
Journal of Physiology, 2002 540.1: 307-320
Volgushev_JPhysiol2002v540p307.PDF - Comparison of the selectivity of postsynaptic potentials and spike responses in cat visual cortex.
Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2000 12:257-263
Volgushev_EJN2000v12p257.PDF - Receptive field analysis and orientation selectivity of postsynaptic potentials of simple cells in cat visual cortex.
Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Volgushev M, Creutzfeldt OD.
The Journal of Neuroscience 1994, 14:7130-7140
Link - Excitation and inhibition in orientation selectivity of cat visual cortex neurons revealed by whole-cell recordings in vivo.
Volgushev M, Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Creutzfeldt OD.
Visual Neuroscience 1993, 10:1151-1155
Volgushev_VisualNeurosci1993v10p1151.PDF - Dynamics of responses of V1 neurons evoked by stimulation of different zones of receptive field.
Shevelev IA, Volgushev MA, Sharaev GA.
Neuroscience 1992 51:445-450 - All-or-none excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the rat visual cortex.
Volgushev M, Voronin LL, Chistiakova M, Artola A, Singer W.
European Journal of Neuroscience 1995, 7:1751-1760
- Gamma-frequency fluctuations of the membrane potential and response selectivity in visual cortical neurons.
See also:
– Receptive fields
( Cat visual cortex, membrane potential and spike responses )
– Response selectivity
( Cat visual cortex, membrane potential and spike responses )
– Synaptic transmission
( Rat visual cortex, slices )
– Synaptic plasticity
( Slices, mostly rat visual cortex)
– APs & encoding
( Cat visual cortex in vivo and Rat visual cortex in vitro)