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  • Synaptic plasticity
  • Synaptic transmission
  • Visual system
  • Receptive fields
  • Response selectivity
  • Cooling
  • APs & encoding
  • Slow oscillations





Papers in peer-reviewed journals

  • Plasticity of Response Properties of Mouse Visual Cortex Neurons Induced by Optogenetic Tetanization In Vivo.
    Smirnov IV, Osipova AA, Smirnova MP, Borodinova AA, Volgushev MA, Malyshev AY.
    Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2024 46:3294-3312. doi: 10.3390/cimb46040206
    Link to paper
  • Ethanol Differentially Affects Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in Visual Cortex of Wild-type and Adenosine A1R Knock-out Mice.
    Raffone N, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    Neuroscience. 2024 540:117-127. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.01.019
    Link to paper
  • Response retention and apparent motion effect in visual cortex models.
    Tiselko VS, Volgushev MA, Janke D, Chizhov AV.
    PLoS One 2023 18:e0293725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293725
    Link to paper
  • Enhanced Non-Associative Long-Term Potentiation in Immature Granule Cells in the Dentate Gyrus of Adult Rats.
    Simonova NA, Volgushev MA, Malyshev AY.
    Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 2022 14:889947 doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2022.889947
    Link to paper
  • When cats need to see to step accurately?
    Volgushev M, Nguyen CT, Iyer GS, Beloozerova IN.
    The Journal of Physiology 2022 600:75-94 doi: 10.1113/JP282255
    Link to paper
  • Altered Heterosynaptic Plasticity Impairs Visual Discrimination Learning in Adenosine A1 Receptor Knock-Out Mice.
    Chasse R, Malyshev A, Fitch RH, Volgushev M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2021 41: 4631-4640
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3073-20.2021.

    Link to paper
  • Modulation of the Amplitude of Gamma-Band Oscillations by Stimulus Phase in Mouse Visual Cortex Neurons Improves Signal Encoding.
    Smirnov IV, Idzhilova OS, Abonakur A, Volgushev MA, Malyshev AY.
    Opera Medica et Physiologica 2021 8:20-27
    Link to paper
  • Mechanism of Pacemaker Activity in Zebrafish DC2/4 Dopaminergic Neurons.
    Ilin VA, Bai Q, Watson AM, Volgushev M, Burton EA.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2021 41: 4141-4157
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2124-20.2021

    Link to paper
  • Synaptic Plasticity in Cortical Inhibitory Neurons: What Mechanisms May Help to Balance Synaptic Weight Changes?
    Bannon NM, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2020 14: 204
    doi: 10.3389/fncel.2020.00204.

  • Distinct Heterosynaptic Plasticity in Fast Spiking and Non-Fast-Spiking Inhibitory Neurons in Rat Visual Cortex.
    Chistiakova M, Ilin V, Roshchin M, Bannon N, Malyshev A, Kisvárday Z, Volgushev M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2019 39: 6865-6878
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3039-18.2019. PMID: 31300522

  • An optogenetic approach to studies of the mechanisms of heterosynaptic plasticity in neocortical neurons.
    Simonova NA, Bal NV, Balaban PM, Volgushev MA, Malyshev AY.
    Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 2019 49: 208-215
    Link to paper
  • Estimating short-term synaptic plasticity from pre- and postsynaptic spiking.
    Ghanbari A, Malyshev A, Volgushev M, Stevenson IH.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2017 13(9):e1005738. eCollection 2017 Sep.
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005738 PMID: 28873406

  • Physiological Aspects of the Use of the Hodgkin–Huxley Model of Action Potential Generation for Neurons in Invertebrates and Vertebrates.
    Nikitin ES, Malyshev AY, Balaban PM, Volgushev MA.
    Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 2017 47: 751-757
    Link to paper
  • Impaired Fear Extinction Due to a Deficit in Ca2+ Influx Through L-Type Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels in Mice Deficient for Tenascin-C.
    Morellini F, Malyshev A, Volgushev M, Chistiakova M, Papashvili G, Fellini L, Kleene R, Schachner M, Dityatev A.
    Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 2017 11:16. eCollection 2017
    doi: 10.3389/fnint.2017.00016. PMID: 28824389

  • Very low concentrations of ethanol suppress excitatory synaptic transmission in rat visual cortex.
    Luong L, Bannon NM, Redenti A, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    European Journal of Neuroscience 2017 45:1333-1342
    doi: 10.1111/ejn.13557. PMID: 28263415

  • Encoding of High Frequencies Improves with Maturation of Action Potential Generation in Cultured Neocortical Neurons.
    Nikitin ES, Bal NV, Malyshev A, Ierusalimsky VN, Spivak Y, Balaban PM, Volgushev M.
    Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2017 11:28. eCollection 2017.
    doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00028. PMID: 28261059

  • Adenosine shifts plasticity regimes between associative and homeostatic by modulating heterosynaptic changes.
    Bannon NM, Chistiakova M, Chen JY, Bazhenov M, Volgushev M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2017 37:1439-1452. Epub 2016 Dec 27.
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2984-16.2016. PMID: 28028196

  • Partial Breakdown of Input Specificity of STDP at Individual Synapses Promotes New Learning.
    Volgushev M, Chen JY, Ilin V, Goz R, Chistiakova M, Bazhenov M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2016 36:8842-8455.
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0552-16.2016. PMID: 27559167

  • Neural spike-timing patterns vary with sound shape and periodicity in three auditory cortical fields.
    Lee CM, Osman AF, Volgushev M, Escabí MA, Read HL.
    J Neurophysiol. 2016 115(4):1886-904.
    doi:10.1152/jn.00784.2015. PMID: 26843599

  • Cortical Specializations Underlying Fast Computations.
    Volgushev M.
    Neuroscientist 2016 22:145-164
    doi: 10.1177/1073858415571539. PMID: 25689988. Review.

  • Homeostatic role of heterosynaptic plasticity: Models and experiments.
    Chistiakova M, Bannon NM, Chen JY, Bazhenov M, Volgushev M.
    Frontiers in Comp Neuroscience 2015 9:89
    doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00089. PMID: 26217218 Review.

  • Advantages and limitations of the use of optogenetic approach in studying fast-scale spike encoding.
    Malyshev A, Goz R, LoTurco JJ, Volgushev M.
    PLoS One. 2015 10:e0122286 PMID: 25850004
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122286

  • Identifying and tracking simulated synaptic inputs from neuronal firing: insights from in vitro experiments.
    Volgushev M, Ilin V, Stevenson IH.
    PLoS Comput Biology 2015 11: e1004167. PMID: 25823000
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004167

  • Adenosine effects on inhibitory synaptic transmission and excitation-inhibition balance in the rat neocortex.
    Zhang P, Bannon NM, Ilin V, Volgushev M, Chistiakova M
    Journal of Physiology 2015 593:825-841 PMID: 25565160
    doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2014.279901

  • Injection of fully-defined signal mixtures: a novel high-throughput tool to study neuronal encoding and computations.
    Ilin V, Stevenson IH, Volgushev M
    PLoS One. 2014, 9(10):e109928 PMID: 25335081
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109928

  • Heterosynaptic Plasticity: Multiple Mechanisms and Multiple Roles.
    Chistiakova M, Bannon NM, Bazhenov M, Volgushev M
    Neuroscientist 2014, 20:483-498 PMID: 24727248
    doi: 10.1177/1073858414529829

  • Modulation of synaptic transmission by adenosine in layer 2/3 of the rat visual cortex in vitro.
    Bannon NM, Zhang P, Ilin V, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    Neuroscience 2014, 260:171-84 PMID: 24355495
    doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.12.018

  • Heterosynaptic plasticity prevents runaway synaptic dynamics.
    Chen JY, Lonjers P, Lee C, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M, Bazhenov M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2013, 33:15915-15929
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5088-12.2013

  • Fast computations in cortical ensembles require rapid initiation of action potentials.
    Ilin V, Malyshev A, Wolf F, Volgushev M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2013, 33:2281-2292
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0771-12.2013

  • Energy-efficient encoding by shifting spikes in neocortical neurons
    Malyshev A, Volgushev S, Tchumatchenko T, Volgushev M.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 38:3181-3188.
    doi: 10.1111/ejn.12338.

  • A small fraction of strongly cooperative sodium channels boosts neuronal encoding of high frequencies.
    Huang M, Volgushev M, Wolf F.
    PLoS ONE 2012, 7:e37629
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037629

  • Heterosynaptic plasticity induced by intracellular tetanization in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in rat auditory cortex.
    Lee CM, Stoelzel C, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    Journal of Physiology 2012, 590.10: 2253-2271
    doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.228247

  • Properties of slow oscillation during slow-wave sleep and anesthesia in cats.
    Chauvette S, Crochet S, Volgushev M, Timofeev I.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2011 31: 14998-15008
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2339-11.2011

  • Modulation of the amplitude of gamma-band activity by stimulus phase enhances signal encoding.
    Hoch T, Volgushev S, Malyshev A, Obermayer K, Volgushev M.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 33:1223-1239
    doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07593.x

  • Spike correlations - what can they tell about synchrony?
    Tchumatchenko T, Geisel T, Volgushev M, Wolf F.
    Frontiers in Neuroscience 2011, 5:68
    doi: 10.3389/fnins.2011.00068

  • Ultrafast population encoding by cortical neurons.
    Tchumatchenko T, Malyshev A, Wolf F, Volgushev M.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2011, 31:12171-12179
    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2182-11.2011

  • Long-range correlation of the membrane potential in neocortical neurons during slow oscillation.
    Volgushev M, Chauvette S, Timofeev I.
    Progress in Brain Research 2011, 193: 181-199
    doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53839-0.00012-0

  • Local action for global vision.
    Volgushev M.
    Journal of Physiology 2011 589:3419-3420
    doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2011.212670

  • The determinants of the onset dynamics of action potentials in a computational model.
    Baranauskas G, Mukovskiy A, Wolf F, Volgushev M.
    Neuroscience 2010, 167:1070-1090
    doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.02.072

  • Origin of active states in local neocortical networks during slow sleep oscillation.
    Chauvette S, Volgushev M, Timofeev I.
    Cerebral Cortex 2010, 20: 2660-2674
    doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhq009

  • Signatures of synchrony in pairwise count correlations.
    Tchumatchenko T, Geisel T, Volgushev M, Wolf F.
    Frontiers in Comput Neurosci 2010, Apr 8, 4: Article 1, 1-10
    doi: 10.3389/neuro.10.001.2010

  • Correlations and synchrony in threshold neuron models.
    Tchumatchenko T, Malyshev A, Geisel T, Volgushev M, Wolf F.
    Physical Review Letters 2010, 104: 058102-1-4
  • Heterosynaptic plasticity in the neocortex.
    Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    Experimental Brain Research 2009, 199: 377-390
    doi: 10.1007/s00221-009-1859-5

  • Onset dynamics of action potentials in rat neocortical neurons and identified snail neurons: quantification of the difference.
    Volgushev M, Malyshev A, Balaban P, Chistiakova M, Volgushev S, Wolf F.
    PLoS ONE 2008 3: e1962
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001962

  • Detection of active and silent states in neocortical neurons from the field potential signal during slow-wave sleep.
    Mukovski M, Chauvette S, Timofeev I, Volgushev M.
    Cerebral Cortex 2007 17:400-414
  • Neurophysiology: Hodgkin and Huxley model - still standing? (Reply)
    Naundorf B, Wolf F, Volgushev M.
    Nature 2007, 445(7123):E2-E3
    Supplement: Volgushev M, Mukovskiy A, Wolf F. The Elusive Action Potential
  • Unique features of action potential initiation in cortical neurons.
    Naundorf B, Wolf F, Volgushev M.
    Nature 2006 440:1060-1063
  • Precise long-range synchronization of activity and silence in neocortical neurons during slow-wave oscillations.
    Volgushev M, Chauvette S, Mukovski M, Timofeev I.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 2006 26:5665-5672
  • Adaptation at synaptic connections to layer 2/3 pyramidal cells in rat visual cortex.
    Beck O, Chistiakova M, Obermayer K, Volgushev M.
    J. Neurophysiol 2005 94:363-376
  • Dependence of calcium influx in neocortical cells on temporal structure of depolarization, number of spikes, and blockade of NMDA receptors.
    Balaban P, Chistiakova M, Malyshev A, Volgushev M.
    J. Neuroscience Research, 2004 76:481-487
  • Probability of transmitter release at neocortical synapses at different temperatures.
    Volgushev M, Kudryashov I, Chistiakova M, Mukovski M, Niesmann J, Eysel UT.
    J Neurophysiol 2004 92:212-220
  • Response selectivity and gamma-frequency fluctuations of the membrane potential in visual cortical neurons
    Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
    Neurocomputing, 2004 58-60:957-963
  • Nitric oxide synthase in rat visual cortex: an immunohistochemical study.
    Yousef T, Neubacher U, Eysel UT, Volgushev M.
    Brain Research Brain Res Protoc 2004 13:57-67
  • Independence of visuotopic representation and orientation map in the visual cortex of the cat.
    Buzas P, Volgushev M, Eysel UT, Kisvarday ZF.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2003 18:957-968
  • Gamma-frequency fluctuations of the membrane potential and response selectivity in visual cortical neurons.
    Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2003 17: 1768-1776
  • A novel mechanism of response selectivity of neurons in cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
    Journal of Physiology, 2002 540.1: 307-320
  • Retrograde signalling with nitric oxide at neocortical synapses.
    Volgushev M, Balaban P, Chistiakova M, Eysel UT.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2000 12:4255-4267
  • Neuroscience. Noise makes sense in neuronal computing.
    Volgushev M, Eysel UT.
    Science 2000 290:1908-1909
  • Comparison of the selectivity of postsynaptic potentials and spike responses in cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Pernberg J, Eysel UT.
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2000 12:257-263
  • Synaptic transmission in the neocortex during reversible cooling.
    Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, Chistiakova M, Eysel UT.
    Neuroscience, 2000, 98:9-22
  • Membrane properties and spike generation in rat visual cortical cells during reversible cooling.
    Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, Chistiakova M, Yousef T, Eysel UT.
    Journal of Physiology (London), 2000 522.1:59-76
  • NMDA receptor blockade prevents LTD, but not LTP induction by intracellular tetanization.
    Chistiakova M, Balaban P, Eysel UT, Volgushev M.
    NeuroReport, 1999 10:3869-3874
  • Interaction between intracellular tetanization and pairing-induced long-term synaptic plasticity in the rat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Mittmann T, Chistiakova M, Balaban P, Eysel UT.
    Neuroscience, 1999 93:1227-1232
  • Evidence for an ephaptic feedback in cortical synapses: postsynaptic hyperpolarization alters the number of response failures and quantal content.
    Voronin LL, Volgushev M, Sokolov M, Kasyanov A, Chistiakova M, Reymann KG.
    Neuroscience, 1999 92:399-405
  • Effects of postsynaptic hyperpolarization confirm the presence of intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback in central synapses.
    Voronin LL, Volgushev M, Sokolov MV, Kas'ianov AM, Chistiakova M.
    Dokl Akad Nauk, Biological Sciences 1999 369:126-129 (translated from Russian)
  • Modification of discharge patterns of neocortical neurons by induced oscillations of the membrane potential.
    Volgushev M, Chistiakova M, Singer W.
    Neuroscience 1998 83:15-25
  • Relations between long-term synaptic modifications and paired-pulse interactions in the rat neocortex.
    Volgushev M, Voronin LL, Chistiakova M, Singer W.
    European Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9:1656-1665
  • Precise timing of neuronal discharges within and across cortical areas: implications for synaptic transmission.
    Singer W, Kreiter AK, Engel AK, Fries P, Roelfsema PR, Volgushev M.
    Journal of Physiology (Paris) 1996 90:221-222
  • Multiple mechanisms underlying the orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurones.
    Vidyasagar TR, Pei X, Volgushev M.
    Trends in Neurosciences 1996, 19:272-277
  • A linear model fails to predict orientation selectivity of cells in the cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, Pei X.
    Journal of Physiology (London) 1996 496.3:597-606
  • Involvement of silent synapses in the induction of long-term potentiation and long-term depression in neocortical and hippocampal neurons.
    Voronin LL, Volgushev M, Chistiakova M, Kuhnt U, Singer W.
    Neuroscience 1996 74:323-330
  • Dynamics of the orientation tuning of postsynaptic potentials in the cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, Pei X.
    Visual Neuroscience, 1995, 12:621-628
  • All-or-none excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the rat visual cortex.
    Volgushev M, Voronin LL, Chistiakova M, Artola A, Singer W.
    European Journal of Neuroscience 1995, 7:1751-1760
  • Neurophysiological analysis of long-term potentiation in mammalian brain.
    Voronin L, Byzov A, Kleschevnikov A, Kozhemyakin M, Kuhnt U, Volgushev M.
    Behavioural Brain Research 1995, 66:45-52
  • Receptive field analysis and orientation selectivity of postsynaptic potentials of simple cells in cat visual cortex.
    Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Volgushev M, Creutzfeldt OD.
    The Journal of Neuroscience 1994, 14:7130-7140
  • Induction of LTP and LTD in visual cortex neurones by intracellular tetanization.
    Volgushev M, Voronin LL, Chistiakova M, Singer W.
    NeuroReport 1994, 5:2069-2072
  • Excitation and inhibition in orientation selectivity of cat visual cortex neurons revealed by whole-cell recordings in vivo.
    Volgushev M, Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Creutzfeldt OD.
    Visual Neuroscience 1993, 10:1151-1155
  • Dynamics of responses of V1 neurons evoked by stimulation of different zones of receptive field.
    Shevelev IA, Volgushev MA, Sharaev GA.
    Neuroscience 1992 51:445-450
  • Postsynaptic potentials in cat visual cortex: dependence on polarization.
    Volgushev M, Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Creutzfeldt OD.
    NeuroReport 1992 3:679-682
  • Whole cell recording and conductance measurements in cat visual cortex in-vivo.
    Pei X, Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, Creutzfeldt OD.
    NeuroReport 1991, 2:485-488
  • Receptive-field properties of cat visual cortex neurons with pulvinar input.
    Shumikhina SI, Volgushev MA
    Sensory systems 1990 4:370-378 (transl. from Russian).
  • Intracortical inhibition and adaptive reorganizations of the receptive fields of visual cortex neurons.
    Volgushev MA
    Dokl Acad Nauk, Biological Sciences, 1989 309:801-804 (transl. from Russian)
  • Comparison of properties of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev MA
    Sensory systems 1987 1:297-304 (transl. from Russian)
  • Interaction of neurons in the orientational column of the cat visual cortex.
    Volgushev MA
    Sensory systems 1987 1:200-207 (transl. from Russian)
  • Neuronal interaction in the cat cerebellar cortex: a crosscorrelation analysis.
    Volgushev MA, Zuravska I, Tarnecki R
    Neurophysiology. New York. 1987 19:672-678 (transl. from Russian)
  • Characteristics of dynamic reorganization of receptive fields of cortical and geniculate visual neurons of cat in response to changes in photic stimulation parameters.
    Shevelev IA, Volgushev MA, Sharaev GA
    Neurophysiology. New York. 1983 15:241-247 (transl. from Russian)
  • Differences in dynamics of visual receptive field and its summation zone in cat.
    Volgushev MA, Shevelev IA, Sharaev GA, Dec K
    Neurophysiology. New York. 1983 15:333-340 (transl. from Russian)
  • Receptive field dynamics of neurons in the cat visual cortex and lateral geniculate body.
    Shevelev IA, Sharaev GA, Volgushev MA, Pyshny MF, Verderevskaia NN
    Neurophysiology. New York. 1982 14:455-462 (transl. from Russian)

Book chapters

  • Homeostatic role of heterosynaptic plasticity
    Bannon NM, Chistiakova M, Volgushev M.
    In: D Boison, SA Masino (Eds) Homeostatic control of brain function. pp. 124-142. Oxford University Press, Oxford New York, (2016).
  • Local origin and long-range synchrony of active states in neocortex during slowoscillation
    Chauvette S, Volgushev M, Mukovski M, Timofeev I
    In: I. Timofeev (Ed.) Mechanisms of spontaneous active states in the neocortex (pp. 73-92).
    Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. (2008).
  • Detection of active and silent states in neocortical networks during slow oscillations.
    Volgushev M, Mukovski M, Chauvette S, Timofeev I
    In: I. Timofeev (Ed.) Mechanisms of spontaneous active states in the neocortex (pp. 93-122).
    ResearchSignpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. (2008).
  • Which features trigger action potentials in cortical neurons in vivo?
    Frolich H, Naundorf B, Volgushev M, Wolf F.
    Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1:250-255
    Link to paper
  • Integrating anatomy and physiology of the primary visual pathway: from LGN to cortex.
    Funke K, Kisvarday ZF, Volgushev M, Woergoetter F
    In: J.L. van Hemmen, J.D. Cowan, E. Domany (eds.). Models of Neural Networks IV. Early Vision and Attention, pp 97-182.
    Springer-Verlag, New York. (2002).
  • Receptive fields of the visual cortex: dynamics and detector properties. (in Russian)
    Shevelev IA, Sharaev GA, Volgushev MA, Dec K
    In: "Investigation of mechanisms of nervous activity" Moscow. (1984).