Selected publications: Slow oscillations

My favorite: 

    • Origin of active states in local neocortical networks during slow sleep oscillation. 
      Chauvette S, Volgushev M, Timofeev I. 
      Cerebral Cortex 2010, 20: 2660-2674 
      doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhq009
    • Precise long-range synchronization of activity and silence in neocortical neurons during slow-wave oscillations. 
      Volgushev M, Chauvette S, Mukovski M, Timofeev I. 
      The Journal of Neuroscience 2006 26:5665-5672


    • Properties of slow oscillation during slow-wave sleep and anesthesia in cats. 
      Chauvette S, Crochet S, Volgushev M, Timofeev I. 
      The Journal of Neuroscience 2011 31: 14998-15008 
      doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2339-11.2011
    • Long-range correlation of the membrane potential in neocortical neurons during slow oscillation. 
      Volgushev M, Chauvette S, Timofeev I. 
      Progress in Brain Research 2011, 193: 181-199 
      doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53839-0.00012-0
    • Detection of active and silent states in neocortical neurons from the field potential signal during slow-wave sleep. 
      Mukovski M, Chauvette S, Timofeev I, Volgushev M. 
      Cerebral Cortex 2007 17:400-414

Book chapters

  • Local origin and long-range synchrony of active states in neocortex during slow oscillation. 
    Chauvette S, Volgushev M, Mukovski M, Timofeev, I 
    In: I. Timofeev (Ed.) Mechanisms of spontaneous active states in the neocortex (pp. 73-92). Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. (2008).
  • Detection of active and silent states in neocortical networks during slow oscillations. 
    Volgushev M., Mukovski M, Chauvette S, Timofeev, I 
    In: I. Timofeev (Ed.) Mechanisms of spontaneous active states in the neocortex (pp. 93-122). ResearchSignpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. (2008).